I am so frustrated, I don't ever have time to sew, this is all I had time to complete. 2 projects from my One Yard Wonders Book.
I made this with practice fabric cuz I didn't think I would be able to do it. I was so surprise at how easy the pattern was! If I knew it would be this cute I would have selected some of my cute fabric..anyway, I will have to make another one!

This is another reason why I couldn't get much done. I think I was in such a hurry and did not notice that the thread that was sittin' up in the holder winding around the wheel!! So this was another frustrating moment.
Then I made this "not so ugly car trash bag" (that is what they call it) but I added the extra pocket at the bottom for little stuff. I use it as an organizer for my coupons, store ads, antibacterial soap, etc. I tend to keep a lot of stuff in my car.

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