Thursday, March 3, 2011

my quilting progress

I have had this quilt top finished for probably more than a year and have never quilted it!
I finally purchased the warm and natural then it sat in my closet another good month or too. My plan was to go to my moms and quilt it on the long arm....
Then it started snowing....And all I wanted to do is stay inside and sew! So I thought this would be the perfect project! So all these freehand meandering flowers are from my sewing machine...I don't think it looks half bad?

I'm still working on it so you won't see the finished quilt for another post or 2. I'm hoping to finish it up this weekend though.
Thanks for Looking!


  1. you are an amazing quilter....those flowers are beautiful.

  2. It looks wonderful. Doesn't it feel good to finally start quilting it? Can't wait to see it finished!


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