I got on the scale this morning and this is what I saw:
That is down 2.2 lbs from last week!
Its a lot of discipline but I'm glad it paid off.
So here is a little recap of last week
Thursday: work out, circut training
Friday: did not workout, I bought flax seed and started putting that in all my shakes
Saturday: running 2 miles, (cheat day) ate chex mix and beer
Sunday: interval walk/run 30mins
Monday: walk run 30 mins
Tuesday: circuit training 35 mins
So i still did not work out like crazy. I think the flax seed has helped a lot...it keeps me regular.
My other favorite food has been sweet potato.
And if your curious my diet consists of all of these foods:
I have all these foods in my house at all times!
So in the past 3 weeks I have lost a total of 4.2lbs. I'm so excited!
Great job!!!! It's hard to lose weight and you are doing a wonderful job!